Our project management directly represents the interests of the contractor and the project leader. Our team is going to be integrated in your planing and construction department directly. By this our team will be able to use various methods and tools to realise all tasks given to the rights of way in an optimal way.

The project desgin or the official planning approval serves as foundation of the rights of way.

We are your point of contact

We from Schneider Consulting inform the affected local residents, authorities and companies in the name of the customer before the construction begins.

The first contact is very important to respond to the needs of the affected so that complaints and lawsuits can be avoided later on.

This is the reason why we as contact person place value on a personal contact with the affected persons.


In the rights of way every exception which is important for the pipeline construction or the restoration is registered. A few examples are fences, sowing, usage of streets and many more.

We have developed a special database application to be able to access occurences, the constructional status and other information at any place and any given moment. In this database all important information are registered and it is possible to retrieve information online in form of statistics or tabular overview.

Our database application is easy to use and gives the possibilty to manage the enourmos amount of data and information given by the project. It can also be special customized for your project.

Other than the extensive material we gained over the years with our experience, it is possible to generate customized reports/protocols. With this we can guarantee that the same reports/protocols are always used for your project. The reports/protocols are customized to the specifics of the customer before the begin of the project.

We use cookies

We only use cookies on our website that are essential for the operation of the site. We do not use any other cookies, especially those for marketing, tracking and advertising purposes.